Sign PDF with eSignatures
on any Desktop

Able2Extract is an advanced PDF editor that meets all your PDF signing needs:

  • Insert electronic signatures to PDF contracts.
  • Apply digital (cryptographic) signatures to PDFs.
  • Verify the authenticity of signed documents you receive.
  • Create secure and compliant PDF documents.
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Benefits of signing PDFs with Able2Extract Professional

Speed up document workflows

Save valuable time and money on printing, signing, scanning and sending paper files by implementing digital signatures with Able2Extract.

Swift PDF signing

Create and apply digital signatures in just a few clicks. Insert an image signature or digitally sign PDF documents with cryptographic signatures.

Signature authentication

Check the digital signature ownership information to validate whether the PDF document was signed and received from an authorized source.

Maintain data integrity

Easily detect if someone has tampered with or altered a PDF document after it was signed by viewing the digital certificate status.

Additional security

Add a few extra layers of security to your important PDF documents by setting up 256-bit password encryption and various file permissions.

Cross-platform PDF signature tool

Use Able2Extract Professional to add electronic and digital signatures to PDF files on Windows, macOS or Linux operating systems.

How to Sign a PDF with Able2Extract

To sign a PDF with Able2Extract PRO follow the steps below:

  1. Open a PDF in Able2Extract.
  2. Click on the “Sign and Secure” tab.
  3. Click on the Choose Signature button.
  4. Check the Add Signature Image option.
  5. Click on the Create button.
  6. Type, draw or import a signature image.
  7. Click on the Add button to create a signature.
  8. Click on the Sign button and place the signature.
  9. Save the signed PDF by clicking on the Save button under the “File” tab..